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Thursday, September 17, 2009


Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people are eager to visit this building as one of the World Wonder Heritages. It is not surprising since architecturally and functionally, as the place for Buddhists to say their prayer, Borobudur is attractive.

Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of Sailendra dynasty. Based on Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur was a place for praying that was completed to be built on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years from the time the construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some people say, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high place.

Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as supporting base. The first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages.

The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.

Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time; for example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of navigation in Bergotta (Semarang).

All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect Buddha's teachings. For the reason, this temple functions as educating medium for those who want to learn Buddhism. YogYES suggests that you walk through each narrow passage in Borobudur in order for you to know the philosophy of Buddhism. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the tenth century once visited this temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Grand Cathedrals in Europe.

Thanks to visiting Borobudur and having supply of Buddha teaching script from Serlingpa (King of Sriwijaya), Atisha was able to improve Buddha's teachings after his return to India and he built a religion institution, Vikramasila Buddhism. Later he became the leader of Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma. Six scripts from Serlingpa were then summarized as the core of the teaching called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or well known as Bodhipathapradipa.

A question about Borobudur that is still unanswered by far is how the condition around the temple was at the beginning of its foundation and why at the time of it's finding the temple was buried. Some hypotheses claim that Borobudur in its initial foundation was surrounded by swamps and it was buried because of Merapi explosion. It was based on Kalkutta inscription with the writing 'Amawa' that means sea of milk. The Sanskrit word was used to describe the occurrence of disaster. The sea of milk was then translated into Merapi lava. Some others say that Borobudur was buried by cold lava of Merapi Mountain.

With the existing greatness and mystery, it makes sense if many people put Borobudur in their agenda as a place worth visiting in their lives. Besides enjoying the temple, you may take a walk around the surrounding villages such as Karanganyar and Wanurejo. You can also get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery. Please visit Borobudur temple right away...
Text: Yunanto Wiji Utomo
Photo: PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu-Boko
Map & Artistic: Sutrisno

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Boko Sunrise, Seeing Sunrise from the Top of Tugel Hill

Many people have visited the Palace of Queen Boko that used to be called Abhayagiri Vihara, a palace that based on the meaning lies on the hill full of peacefulness. Nonetheless, few of them experience the comfort of walking from the palace location and trekking through Boko hill in the morning time and enjoy the sun rising in the east. YogYES invites you to enjoy it to celebrate the coming of the new dawn in the beginning of the year.

In order for you to enjoy it, you can register yourself as participant of Boko Trekking in the Temple Tourism Park. Once you register, you get a tour package of walking around Queen Boko Palace, enjoying dawn scenery at Andrawina Plaza (one of the palace halls), staying night in the tent and trekking Boko hill to see the sunrise and the complex of Boko Queen. It must be an interesting tour package in the year-end.

The most interesting journey is trekking that usually starts at 03:00a.m. in order later to enjoy the view of sunrise. It will be the right time to start the journey to enjoy the dawn in the beginning of the year because you must be busy with blowing trumpets in the previous hours to signal the arrival of the New Year. Make sure that you are physically ready to take the journey after staying out the night.

The path leading to Bukit Tugel, where you will see one of the most beautiful dawns is not too difficult, so you do not have to worry. Besides, tour agencies provide you with guides that will ease your first adventure to climb the hill. Nonetheless, some personal equipment such as field clothes, helmet, mountain shoes, flashlight and medicines must be prepared.

During the journey to Bukit Tugel, you cannot see natural view at the surroundings since it is still dark, but you can listen to melodious natural music. If you are sensitive, you can even notice the change of the natural music when dawn comes; the voice of earth insects and night birds that previously dominated is replaced with the crowing of cocks, the chirp of church birds and a little noise from the activities of local people.

The tiring journey to Bukit Tugel will end by dawn so that you can take a rest for a while to wait the rising of the sun. Sitting, while sipping coffee or tea brought from the camp and talk with your friends will be enjoyable. Discussing the plan for a year ahead in each one's life and opening oneself to certain inputs must be very valuable.

The admiring sky panorama will look while waiting for dawn. The night black color will be replaced by gradation of yellow to red. Gradually, the yellow color becomes more dominant signaling the sun has raised high. If the sun has fully decorated the morning, then the color of the sky that previously was black is changed to blue and is decorated with white cloud. If you take your camera, it will be interesting to record each of the change.

When the sun shines fully in the east, you can begin watching beautiful natural view around Bukit Tugel. Looking to the north, you will see Merapi Mountain that stands firmly with some form of white fumes from the peak. Still in the north, you can see the grandeur of Prambanan Temple as the most beautiful Hindu temple.

In other direction, you can see the view of Yogyakarta city, rice field and villages around the hill, some temples located in the lower place, and other interesting sceneries. You are also free to explore each corner of Bukit Tugel. Afterwards, you will leave for the camping area while enjoying the sceneries on both sides of the trek.

Text: Yunanto Wiji Utomo
Artistic: Agung Sulistiono Mabruron
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